| Favorite Book Character Parade |
The KOR Education School curriculum is guided by E. D. Hirsch's Core Knowledge Sequence (K-8th).
Through the use of classical and modern literature, we emphasize the essential skills of reading, writing, and oratory;
and extend these to include critical thinking and creativity to establish an ideal climate that supports the enjoyment of learning.
As students attain proficiency in reading, they are encouraged to pursue a wide variety of written works including fiction and nonfiction, historical and biographical literature, as well as poetry.
Students are engaged in daily writing activities and encouraged to express their ideas and thoughts not only through written words but in a variety of ways.
A foundation in mathematics begins with the hands-on approach of Math Their Way and is continued with Singapore Math.
The basics are extended with games and activities that put learned skills into practice.
 | Heroes of the Revolution First Grade |
History is introduced through quality literature and studied in a linear fashion, placing key men, women, and events on the time line of history.
We focus on the history of Western Civilization, the American Nation, and the state of Texas.
Other civilizations and cultures are studied as Western Civilization encounters them.
Our science program encourages students not only to learn objective facts, but to gain increasing awe and wonder as they appreciate firsthand how things work.
They study physical, life, earth and space science; the steps of scientific investigation; as well as the history of science, through hands-on exploration and quality literature.
Our goal is to teach our students a desire for knowledge and understanding without eliminating wonder, beauty, and moral conviction.
Spanish instruction is provided three times a week for all grades. The focus is on vocabulary building, comprehension and oral participation.
On many Fridays throughout the school year, students have the opportunity to participate in enrichment activities, including art, music, service projects, and parent organized field trips.
KOR Education's High School curriculum is an extension of the lower school curriculum, continuing the use of classical and modern literature, emphasizing reading, writing and oratory skills, and utilizing critical thinking and creativity. Logic and rhetoric are added with the goal of perpetuating KOR's mission of providing a core academic program, based on Christian values which, in partnership with parents, empowers students to become self-directed, life-long learners.
All core classes are taken at an Honors level or above in 7th through 12th grade. High School level courses include:
English Language Arts/Social Studies
Humanities I* & II*
U.S. History and Literature*
Art History*
Human Geography*
English Language & Composition*
Speech Communication*
Expository Writing
Algebra I* & II*
Biology I* & II
Spanish I*, II*, III* & IV
Latin I, II
Physical Education/Athletics*
Personal Finance*
Senior Project
100-hours of community service*
*Denotes courses required for Recommended Diploma.
Distinguished Diploma awarded to students who successfully complete all the above courses.
KOR students score above national average on PSAT, SAT, ACT and AP tests. They also have the opportunity to earn 36 college credit hours during their high school years though AP and dual credit.
KOR Students PSAT, SAT, ACT and AP Test Scores
KOR Students' College Acceptance
A variety of extra-curricular activities are offered to Middle and High School students. Among these are KOR's Academic Success and Career Exploration Program, academic competitions and science fairs, leadership initiatives and trips abroad, field trips, yearbook, and student council sponsored community, school, and international service projects.
Students also have the opportunity to participate on KOR athletic teams in volleyball, basketball, soccer, track/cross country, and other sports as offered.